Church Update:
Our church service begins at 10:30 AM and Sunday School begins at 9:15 AM. Worship services will be filmed and live-streamed on Facebook.
Jeff Krick Gospel Concert, Sunday March 9, 2025 @ 3 pm. See Poster Below
Welcome to Zion’s Evangelical Lutheran Church of Perry Township.
We hope that you find this site to be helpful in learning about our church, activities, and committees. Visitors and new members alike are always welcome at Zion’s Evangelical Lutheran Church.
Sunday Services – 10:30 am
Sunday School – 9:15 am
(No Summer Sunday School June – Aug)
Zion’s Evangelical Lutheran Church
Where there’s always something exciting happening.
Letter from Pastor Stephanie:
As we approach Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent, it is a time when we feel a sense of communitywith people all over the world as we receive the sign of the cross in ashes on our foreheads – reminded that weare dust and to dust we shall return. Together – near and far – we once again embark on our journey through Lent accompanying Jesus as he travels the road to Jerusalem and to his eventual death.
When students graduate from high school, we often aske them “What are you planning to do with the rest ofyour life?” Some will enter the workforce. Others will go to a trade school and do an apprenticeship. Manywill journey off to college selecting a major based on their favorite subject in school or the career that they havealways dreamed about. Many will have a path mapped out to reach their end goal.
For some the journey will progress as planned. For most there will be roadblocks and detours along the way. For many the end goal may change – the college major may change due to not making the cut academically, life events may dictate a need to put education on hold, the road to the end goal may be too difficult to navigate. Changes in direction happen for many different reasons.
Life is like that…full of unexpected turns. Even when we think we know what we want to do with the rest of our life, sometimes God has a different plan for us.
Jesus knew that he only had a short time to live. As he journeyed to Jerusalem, he was going to his death, his death on the cross. With that knowledge, did Jesus try to avoid pitfalls, to say only what was pleasing to those listening or run away from those who wanted to harm him? No, he continued to do what God had called him to do. Jesus healed the sick, fed the poor, taught people how much God loved them, visited his friends, raised the dead and whenever he had a chance. In the weeks ahead, Jesus shows us by his example how to have a life well lived, with grace abounding and unconditional love in action.
As we contemplate the words of Ash Wednesday and remember that we are dust and that we will return to dust, we make the choice every day about how we will live the rest of our lives. During this Lenten season we will be gathering at different churches in the NB Ministerium on Thursdays at 11:30 am with a short worship service, to hear a message about “Parables of Lent” and to share a simple meal of soup and bread.
I encourage you during this Lenten season to spend some time contemplating the messages of Jesus’ parables – consider who you honestly identify with in those parables. Ask yourself – Is that who God wants me to be? Take time to pray, worship, and listen for what God is calling you to do next. Answer the call – even if you have doubts. Know that the path will be full of detours and forks in the road. You may be pleasantly surprised by rich experiences and deep insights you gain on the adventure. God has a plan and will accompany you on the journey. Like Jesus, may you have a life well lived with an abundance of love in action along the way. Have faith, trust God and enjoy the journey!
Peace and blessings,
Pastor Stephanie